
Hailing from La Romana, a bustling city in the Dominican Republic known for its thriving tourism and sugar industries, Yermine Richardson is a truly multidisciplinary artist whose stunning visual creations exude a profound celebration of Caribbean culture and aesthetics. His initial introduction to the world of art came by way of the gift shops located within the resorts where his mother was employed, and he was instantaneously captivated by the vibrant colors, themes, and techniques on display.

Richardson's artwork is deeply rooted in the traditional semiotics of Caribbean heritage, notably womanhood, fashion, spiritualism, and cosmology, yet his influences extend far beyond his place of origin. Growing up during the 1990s, television served as his window to the wider world, and he was inspired by the pop culture references, from images of the Hubble telescope and ancient Egyptians to Mexican telenovelas, anime, fashion commercials, and music television. This eclectic mix of inspirations informs his distinct visual style, imbuing his technique with a contemporary sensibility that boldly merges tradition and identity in visually provocative ways.


Solo Exhibitions

Group & Major Exhibitions

Public & Institutional Commissions

Brand Collaborations

Collaborations & Live Installations